Refund Policy

Last Updated: 12th February 2024
Welcome to Admitix("the Website") operated by Admitix Private Limited ("we," "us," "our"). Your satisfaction is important to us, and we strive to provide the best service possible. This Refund Policy ("Policy")outlines our guidelines regarding refunds for our services.

1. Eligibility for Refund
a. 100%Refund: Users are eligible for a 100% refund of the purchase price under the following conditions: The user has not utilized any of the features available on the Website. The refund request is made within 48 hours of the original package purchase date.
2. Refund Process
a. Requesting a Refund: To request a refund, please contact our customer support team at You will need to provide your order details and the reason for your refund request.

b. Review and Approval: Once your request is received, we will review it to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria. We will notify you of our decision within 5 to 10business days.

c. Refund Processing: If your refund request is approved, the refund will be processed using the same payment method used for the original purchase. It will take 10 to 15 business days for the refund to deposit in your account.

3. Exceptions
a. Non-Refundable Services: Please note that services rendered using any of our features are non-refundable. Once any of these services are used, a refund will not be issued.

4. Account Deletion: Once a refund is processed, the user's account will be deleted from our system.

5. Contact Us: If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to this Refund Policy, please contact us at
By using our Website and our services, you agree to the terms outlined in this Refund Policy. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our Website.